So I have been a real slacker and haven't updated the blog in a REALLY long time. But in my defense we have been very busy the last month and a half. In the middle of May we took a trip to Arizona to go to Chris's little brother Jeremy's graduation. He was the last of the siblings to graduate high school. It was so fun to see all the family and watch Jeremy. The graduation was really nice. Austin was a really good boy but got tuckered out and didn't make it through the whole thing. On Sunday there was Seminary graduation where Jeremy gave an awesome talk. We were really proud of him!

Austin asleep on his daddy
Austin had a blast playing with all his uncles, his auntie, and grandma and grandpa. Gordon, Chris's brother that lives in New York was able to come. Austin hadn't seen him in a year but he warmed up to his uncle Gordon pretty fast.

Austin and Uncle Gordon having a nice visit :)
He is such a little cutie... I love the train story because that is the story of my life LOL! Boys are fun.
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