This year for new years we went out to Uncle Seth and Aunt Pams and celebrated with their family and the missionaries. The missionaries have to be either in their apartment or with a members family by 6pm on New Years so it was fun to have them come least until 9pm :). Aunt Pam made her yummy clam chowder and rolls and we played Yahtzee and toasted in the New Year with Martinelli's sparkling cider at 8:45 pm before the missionaries had to leave :). I have not played Yahtzee since I was a little kid and we had a blast. Especially Austin. He thought it was so much fun to throw the dice out of the cup. He had a blast with his cousins. We had so much fun that Chris and I went and bought a Yahtzee game the next day and played with my parents for hours. I am the ultimate Yahtzee champion with a score of 485 on New Years day. I got 4 yahtzees in one game. I think I will save the score card and frame it. j/k. Below are some pictures from New Years.

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