Today Chris got to go hunting with my Uncle Gil and cousins Ky and Kal and look what Chris brought home! He was pretty excited. It was his first elk. It has been pretty hard to find anything this fall because the weather has been so warm so the game is still pretty high up in the mountains. Chris had a tag for a bull or a cow so he had decided he would shoot whatever came along. He and my Uncle were walking a fence line and they saw an elk in the willows. Chris thought it was a cow but when it came out he was nicely suprised. He took it down with one shot (with his new 300 Weatherby that was his fathers day present from yours truly). Austin was pretty excited when he saw it. He kept pointing and oohing while Chris and my cousins were skinning it. I think we will have the antlers mounted but contrary to what Chris says they will not be hanging over our bed!

So cool. I think the antlers would look awesome over your bed ;)
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