Austin loves this wood bear that is sitting on the bookshelf and the other day he decided it needed a ride on his four wheeler. So cute!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Four Wheeler Rides
Posted by The Lanes at 8:50 AM 2 comments
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Austin and his Auntie
On Saturday we made a trip down to Rexburg, ID. My sister Tiffany is going to school there and she was a sweetheart and watched Austin so Chris and I could go to the temple. Below is a picture of the two of them together. Austin had a blast with his Aunt. When we came back he hardly noticed we'd been gone. Aunt Tiffany let him make a good mess of her apartment and they had lots of fun playing together! We went to dinner all together and Austin kept giving her big hugs! We love you Aunt Tiff! Thank you for giving Chris and I a break!
Posted by The Lanes at 7:13 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Chris's First Elk

Posted by The Lanes at 6:39 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Goose Hunting
Chris went goose hunting this morning for the first time and brought home a huge goose. Austin was very impressed! He oohd and aahhd and pointed at the goose. Chris let him touch the feathers and he thought that was pretty neat. I think he'll be a little hunter when he gets older.
He already has the camo coat thanks to his Grandpa Todd!
Posted by The Lanes at 9:09 AM 2 comments
Unfortunately this Halloween Austin had a horrible gastrointestinal virus and was sick for over a week. He was not able to go trick or treating but the other night we let him dress up in his costume and go to his great grandma and grandpas house. Great Grandma Stoddard had a bag full of treats for him. He really liked the fruitloops and marshmallows but his favorite was the fresh squeezed apple juice grandma gave him! He could not get enough of it! Below are a few pictures. Isn't he a cute little vampire?
Posted by The Lanes at 8:59 AM 2 comments