Thursday, August 14, 2008

Austins Trip to the Mountains

This last Saturday Austin went to the Birch Creek Lakes with Daddy, Grandpa Todd, and Great Grandpa Stoddard. They took Grandpas old jeep and took off. Mommy got to spend a relaxing day reading and taking a nap while Austin and Daddy ate lots of junk food and enjoyed the mountain scenery. On the way home Austin got a little car sick! Poor little boy! If Grandpa and Daddy were planning to hide all the fudge stripe cookies and tootsie rolls Austin ate from his mom there was no chance! :) He got a bath as soon as he got home and soon recovered. At any rate he was very excited to be going with all the boys! He doesn't like it much when daddy goes to work and he has to stay home with mommy. Above are pictures of the boys before they left.


Stueller said...

You guys are so cute! I am glad you started a blog. I'll be checking in!